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method of knowledge representation中文是什么意思

用"method of knowledge representation"造句"method of knowledge representation"怎么读"method of knowledge representation" in a sentence


  • 知识表示法


  • The paper also introduces the concept of knowledge representation , basic principles of knowledge base , some commonly used methods of knowledge representation and knowledge base system
  • Based on the architecture , the method of knowledge representation is a combination of production knowledge representation and relational databases in which the knowledge is represented by the relations and the storage of the knowledge is done by the database
  • The paper uses the object - oriented method of knowledge representation , making manifold simplex knowledge representation such as rule and frame constitute one hybrid knowledge representation form according to the object - oriented program design principle . in the object - oriented repository , the concept and entity involved in problem solving are considered as objects and expressed in the form of the framework . such a structure is good for knowledge storage and inference realization
  • The main contributions of this paper are as follows , first , ookr , which stands for the object - oriented knowledge representation , is proposed to describe the field knowledge . as known , ookr is a hybrid method of knowledge representation , which is made with several single methods based on the object - oriented theory
  • During the course of compiling fault sample , multi - method of knowledge representation , as produce rule 、 frame 、 neural network representation etc are synthesized to organize and express the fault sample of pulverizing system . before being putted into the database , the sample data is disposed to ensure sample data integrity and no redundancy
用"method of knowledge representation"造句  
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